Fascination Finding
Find what floats your boat
Pen and paper
1. Create a list of everything that you enjoy doing, have truly enjoyed doing, or enjoy thinking about doing. This should comprise everything that interests or fascinates you (ideas, subjects, things, people, etc.).
2 . Pick an important fascination/activity from your list and recall a situation in which it was particularly enjoyable. Vividly visualize doing it again.
3. List the most enjoyable and interesting thoughts and feelings about it.
4. Identify the single best part of the experience.
5. Choose an action verb that best describes or crystallizes this best part.
6. Use this action verb in a sentence to improve your description of what you enjoy doing regarding this fascination.
7. Repeat steps 2-6 for each major fascination on your original list. You may choose to do this on different days.
8. Brainstorm to find connections between your refined fascinations. This may be done privately or in a group discussion.
This exercise should continue to the extent that it appears to be generating thought-provoking material. This activity was invented by Rolf A. Faste — a legendary creative thinker